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Environmental Policy

Since 2015, Procept has been a supporter to the U.N. Global Compact, a policy framework for the promotion of sustainability principles and practices related human rights, labour, the environment, and anti-corruption. Procept Associates Ltd. has steps to align itself with the Global Compact’s three environmental principles:

  • Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges – Procept has taken a cautious approach to environmental issues, landing squarely on the side of “better safe than sorry” in its proactive policies and initiatives.
  • Principle 8: Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility – Procept has made a number of policy changes and other initiatives to reduce our environmental footprint such as moving to double-sided, black and white printing in our workbooks, saving paper and toner/inks; moving to coil binding for these same workbooks, eliminating the use of vinyl binders; using print-on-demand providers for our course materials, avoiding wasted inventory as course materials change; printing near the course delivery location (where feasible) to cut down on the use of fossil fuels and the greenhouse gasses they produce shipping course materials across the country; moving from dedicated to shared office spaces to make more efficient use of space and associated utilities; encouraging the use of more virtual meetings rather than face-to-face meetings to save on fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas production; and switching to electronic documents for our proposals (where possible) and scan-and-email approaches for contracts to reduce paper use for printing and faxes. Procept has also implemented a policy to work sustainability elements (such as the environment) into our course materials and case studies as they are updated over time.
  • Principle 9: Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies – Procept provides multiple communication tools to its employees to encourage virtual meetings, avoiding unnecessary travel; we have developed custom applications to allow for electronic class sign-ins and electronic evaluation forms via tablets distributed to students in the classroom, reducing paper use and the environmental impact of couriering completed forms across the country; we have moved from associates shipping physical expense receipts across the country to photos or scanned images of receipts being emailed; and we have moved from paper to electronic course completion certificates.
  • Course Materials – With enough advance notice, we will make course materials available in large print, braille, structured document, audio, or other formats. Our staff will work with clients in a respectful and inclusive manner to find a suitable solution for providing the materials in a usable format. We will not charge clients extra for the accessible version of the materials.
  • Web Site Design – We are in the process of establishing website accessibility guidelines to ensure that all our web sites are compliant with WCAG 2.0 AA. Our existing web sites will be updated to meet these guidelines over time through the regular maintenance process. Our goal is to have all of our websites compliant by the end of 2017.

Taken together, these initiatives reduce the burning of carbon-based fuels and resulting greenhouse gases, reduce deforestation, and protect our precious fresh water supplies.

Procept Africa